You are contributing a policy document to the Policy Database of the Métis Homeland, which is acting as a central repository for past and present policy documents, research, and analyses that are often disconnected or redundant due to provincial government boundaries.

The database was created and is maintained by the Rupertsland Centre for Métis Research (RCMR), and is an extension of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council funded RCMR research report Painting a Picture of the Métis Homeland: Synthesizing Knowledge About Métis Education, Employment, and Training (report accessible through the database).

It was created by an agreement between the Government of Alberta (Innovation and Advanced Education), the University of Alberta and the Métis Nation of Alberta/Rupertsland Institute as a formal academic research centre, the first of its kind to explore areas of relevance and interest to (and with) Métis communities.

By submitting a document you agree to its public digital record within this central repository.